Critical Bug Fixes - Update 1.05

Well today I decided to play some Bullet State out of boredom, and I found some really annoying issues that I felt needed to be addressed immediately. So, to the four people who didn't turn away as soon as the pause menu stopped working in the lobby:

  • The pause menu does work in the lobby now (hooray!)
  • Bullets have much more accurate collision detection and no longer clip through walls, but at the cost of performance
  • Slight performance improvements were made to the code of the bullets. I would have improved way, way more of the code in the game but so, so much of it was crying out for optimization that I didn't think I'd be able to do it in less than a month, and there are other projects that I want to work on in that time

I'm happy I spent 20 minutes of my life on this critical update, because now I can actually mess with the camera shake setting without having to keep closing and reopening Bullet State!

Also, I just realized that Bullet State as an acronym is BS. One could say that it makes sense.


1.05 61 MB
Sep 03, 2023
1.05 59 MB
Sep 03, 2023
1.05 59 MB
Sep 03, 2023
Attribution 1.05.txt 1.6 kB
Sep 03, 2023

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