Bullet State's Final Version! — Update 1.03

Hi all!

Since July 20th, 2022, I've been working tirelessly to make Bullet State as good as it could be for over half a year. I honestly thought that making a video game like this was something I couldn't really accomplish. I had visions about what I wanted Bullet State to be like. In some ways, I did achieve those dreams, and in others, I didn't. This is what I've been up to since Update 1.025 in November.


  • Fixed several bugs involving players in the lobby
  • There is now a readying system for the lobby. You can press Y, Triangle, or Tab to get ready, and the game will start once all players are ready
  • A cool new cursor was made that squashes based on the direction of its movement
  • There is now an option to make the players' controllers vibrate upon taking damage
  • The walls are now offscreen, and there are holes in the ground that hurt you when you fall into the void
  • Fixed a critical bug that frequently stopped the loader at 100%
  • There's bots now! When everyone gets ready in the lobby, a "Setup" menu pops up, allowing you to turn bots on and off, change their skill level, alter the number of times that bullets bounce, and change the amount of points required to win. These options have been removed from the Settings menu as well
  • Fixed a bug causing bullets to clip through thin walls
  • Fixed a critical bug causing the player to shoot themselves when moving in the direction that they shoot
  • Changes were made to make the game more intuitive
  • You may now view the control scheme from the pause menu
  • The scoreboard was moved to the top-left corner, and now shows the number of bots that are defeated
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs that made it really hard to use the UI with a mouse
  • All players' max health is now reset to 100 after each point
  • 13 maps were introduced, with a current total of 30
  • The D-Pad may now be used for movement
  • A new splash screen for Repr Games was implemented
  • Players may no longer shoot when the pause menu is up
  • Improved performance

This has been a wild ride, and I hope that you have lots of fun playing Bullet State!


Release 1.03 Windows 61 MB
Feb 11, 2023
Release 1.03 Mac 70 MB
Feb 11, 2023
Release 1.03 Linux 60 MB
Feb 11, 2023
Attribution 1.03.txt 1.6 kB
Feb 15, 2023

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